Conditions Of Use

We have some conditions to make sure the stories we publish are suitable for others to read and reflect on.


We ask that your stories:

  • Tell your own story, not someone else’s  
  • Respect the privacy of other people who are part of your story
  • Use language that shows respect for other people and organisations within the community, including:
    • members of the public, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity or religion
    • volunteers, local Council,
    • government organisations including State Emergency Services, NSW Rural Fire Brigades, Resilience NSW, Fire and Rescue NSW, Services Australia and other Australian and NSW government agencies
  • Express appreciation where relevant but stop short of promoting specific commercial products, businesses, political views, political parties, or religious beliefs

What we do not publish!

We do not publish stories that:

  • Tell someone else’s story
  • Include confidential, private or sensitive information that could identify others in your story, including names, addresses or contact details of other people.
  • Contain any obscene language or descriptions, or language which is defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to individuals or groups.
  • Contain any offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity or religion.
  • Promote particular political or religious views, parties, candidates or groups.
  • Promote any commercial products, services or entities nor any political party or religion, other than expressing appreciation for support provided.

We review all stories submitted to check they meet our conditions for publication.  

© Sydney Alliance - Website built by Getmilk

Thank you to Mick Webber of Brimstone Bush Photography who has kindly supplied some of the photos on this website.